
Drummers Back Stretch – 5 step stretch to help prevent back pain


Drummers Back Stretch - 5 step stretch
to help prevent back pain

A few drummers have asked me about their lower back pains recently. Posture when playing is the key, but it’s often too late to change that if the pain is already there.

Here’s a lower back stretch that will help drummers directly after playing, as well as people spending time sitting at desks or driving:

1. Lay on your back

2. Put your arms out to form a T shape

3. Bend your knees up into your chest

4. Roll your knees to the right until on the floor, keeping your shoulders down & maintaining the T shape

5. Hold for 30 seconds, roll knees over to left and hold again.

Repeat this slowly once or twice more each side and never push through any pain.

This back stretch will help you maintaining mobility and ease pain.

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